Zhuzhou Xinshuo Advanced Materials Co.,Ltd.

Milling Inserts

  • Milling Inserts Carbide APKT160408 For Stainless Steel
  • Milling Inserts Carbide APKT160408 For Stainless Steel
  • Milling Inserts Carbide APKT160408 For Stainless Steel
  • Milling Inserts Carbide APKT160408 For Stainless Steel
Milling Inserts Carbide APKT160408 For Stainless SteelMilling Inserts Carbide APKT160408 For Stainless SteelMilling Inserts Carbide APKT160408 For Stainless SteelMilling Inserts Carbide APKT160408 For Stainless Steel

Milling Inserts Carbide APKT160408 For Stainless Steel

  • 1.MOQ:10pcs
  • 2.high strength
  • 3.good wear resistance
  • 4.good roughness
  • Katerangan pondok:: Milling Inserts Carbide APKT160408 For Stainless Steel,parallelogram milling inserts, milling inserts,milling tools,torx screw clamping,Indexable Milling Inserts,carbide milling inserts,milling insert
  •   Kirim surélék

Zhuzhou Xinshuo Anyar Advanced Bahan Co.LTD, dicap salaku pabrik karbida SIEESO, mangrupikeun produsén profésional pikeun Alat Pemotong sareng bahan Karbida. Kusabab Sieeso ngamimitian, éta ngagaduhan khusus dina Desain sareng Pabrikan Alat Pemotongan Berkualitas Tinggi & bahan Karbida. Ngabogaan langkung ti rébuan jinis barang sareng saham ageung. Sieeso ngagaduhan garis produk konci pikeun alat sareng bahan sareng alat sareng instrumen canggih.

50% produk kami nyayogikeun salaku proyék OEM pikeun perusahaan motong kelas dunya sareng 50% dilakukeun salaku merek kami sorangan. produk urang geus dijual ka sakuliah dunya, kayaning Rusia, Turki, Eropa, AS, Mexico, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Malaysia, jeung saterusna.


               Milling Inserts Carbide APKT160408 For Stainless Steel

---Models Introduction:

The APKT 1604 is a single sided 80° parallelogram milling insert, with a 16mm cutting edge and is approximately 4mm in thickness. The APKT1604 is a milling insert for use with milling tools operating the 4mm torx screw clamping system. The inserts is supplied in a general-purpose grade designed to cut most materials including, stainless steels, mild steel, brass, bronze, aluminium and cast iron.

Carbide Milling APKT160408 Cutting Inserts

Carbide Milling APKT160408 Cutting Inserts

Carbide Milling APKT160408 Cutting Inserts

---Products Advantages:

---Sharp cutting edge and lower cutting resistance;

--Efficiently solved build up edge,work hardening and other machining problems

--Cutting edge inclination designation is good to control chip flow direction and obtains excellent surface quality

--sharp cutting edge, small cutting force

--good machining surface quality

--special chipbreaker design to keep cutting edge sharp and safe

---Cutting Materials:

Carbide Milling APKT160408 Cutting Inserts

---Products Picture:

Gambar pabrik:


Taros Kami:

Zhuzhou Xinshuo Anyar Advanced Bahan Co.LTD

Pabrik ADD: NO 1 Tutuwuhan,No 209 Huanghe South Road, Zhuzhou, Hunan, Cina, Kodeu Pos: 412007

Kantor Pemasaran:No 702,Kota Jiuba Dijing,Taishan West Road,Zhuzhou,Hunan, Cina, Kode Pos: 412007





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