Zhuzhou Xinshuo Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.

ISO general turning inserts

  • WNMG08 Series Carbide Inserts New Stainless Steel Grade
  • WNMG08 Series Carbide Inserts New Stainless Steel Grade
  • WNMG08 Series Carbide Inserts New Stainless Steel Grade
  • WNMG08 Series Carbide Inserts New Stainless Steel Grade
WNMG08 Series Carbide Inserts New Stainless Steel GradeWNMG08 Series Carbide Inserts New Stainless Steel GradeWNMG08 Series Carbide Inserts New Stainless Steel GradeWNMG08 Series Carbide Inserts New Stainless Steel Grade

WNMG08 Series Carbide Inserts New Stainless Steel Grade

  • 1.high hardness
  • 2.wear resistance
  • 3.raw-materials-made
  • 4.long life span
  • Deskrizzjoni qasira:: WNMG08 Series Carbide Inserts New Stainless Steel Grade, good quality CNC tools,turning inserts ,steel maching,carbide inserts, CNC blade,CNC cutting tools, Negative inserts
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Zhuzhou Xinshuo Materjali Avvanzati Ġdid Co.LTD, immarkat bħala fabbrika tal-karbur SIEESO, huwa manifattur professjonali ta 'Għodod tal-Qtugħ u materjal tal-Karbur. Minn mindu bdiet Sieeso, hija speċjalizzata fid-Disinn u l-Manifattura ta’ Għodod tal-Qtugħ ta’ Kwalità Għolja u materjal tal-Karbur. Wara aktar minn eluf tipi differenti ta 'oġġetti u ħażniet enormi. Sieeso għandha linja ta 'prodotti ewlenin għal għodda u materjal b'tagħmir u strumenti avvanzati.

50% tal-prodotti tagħna jipprovdu bħala proġett OEM għal kumpaniji tat-tqattigħ ta 'klassi dinjija u 50% biex jagħmlu bħala marka tagħna stess. Il-prodotti tagħna nbiegħu mad-dinja kollha, Bħar-Russu, it-Turkija, l-Ewropa, l-Istati Uniti, il-Messiku, il-Vjetnam, it-Tajlandja, l-Indja, il-Malasja, eċċ.

         WNMG08 Series Carbide Inserts New Stainless Steel Grade

The economical WNMG 080408 is a double sided 80° Trigon insert, with a 8mm cutting edge length and is approximately 4mm in thickness.  The corner radius (04) is the most commonly used due to its versatility to provide a balance of both strength and excellent finishes.


ISO Code: WNMG0804004/08/12 HS7225

Dimension (inch): L=0.343, I.C.=0.500, S=0.187, d=0.203, r=0.031

Workpiece Material (ISO): Steels (P10-P35)/stainless steel/cast iron

Application: This insert is recommended for general-purpose turning machining of steels.

Chip Breaker: Flat \Through Type

Coating:Thick TiCN + thick Al2O3 coating on carbide, a grade of Black Diamond Series For Steel Machining

Grade: HS8125/6120/7225/5120/5130

Comprising of thick TiCN and thick Al2O3 coatings, the grade has high capability against plastic deformation and good hardness of cutting edge. It is preferred grade for machining of steel from finishing to roughing. Under the same cutting conditions, the cutting speed can be increased by more than 25%, while the tool life can be 30% longer under the same cutting speed.

WNMG08 Series Carbide Inserts New Stainless Steel Grade


--Cutting edge inclination designation is good to control chip flow direction and obtains excellent surface quality

--sharp cutting edge, small cutting force

--good machining surface quality

--special chipbreaker design to keep cutting edge sharp and safe



WNMG08 Series Carbide Inserts New Stainless Steel Grade

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Zhuzhou Xinshuo Materjali Avvanzati Ġdid Co.LTD

Fabbrika ADD: NO 1 Plants,No 209 Huanghe South Road, Zhuzhou, Hunan, Ċina, Kodiċi ZIP: 412007

Uffiċċju tal-Marketing:No 702, Jiuba Dijing City, Taishan West Road, Zhuzhou, Hunan, Ċina, Kodiċi ZIP: 412007





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