Zhuzhou Xinshuo Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.

Milling Inserts

  • APMT160408 Carbide CNC Cutting Inserts
  • APMT160408 Carbide CNC Cutting Inserts
  • APMT160408 Carbide CNC Cutting Inserts
  • APMT160408 Carbide CNC Cutting Inserts
APMT160408 Carbide CNC Cutting Inserts APMT160408 Carbide CNC Cutting Inserts APMT160408 Carbide CNC Cutting Inserts APMT160408 Carbide CNC Cutting Inserts

APMT160408 Carbide CNC Cutting Inserts

  • 1.MOQ:10pcs
  • 2.high strength
  • 3.good wear resistance
  • 4.good roughness
  • Deskrizzjoni qasira:: APMT160408 Carbide CNC Cutting Inserts , milling inserts,milling tools,torx screw clamping,Indexable Milling Inserts,carbide milling inserts,milling inserts manufacturer,milling inserts factory
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Zhuzhou Xinshuo Materjali Avvanzati Ġdid Co.LTD, immarkat bħala fabbrika tal-karbur SIEESO, huwa manifattur professjonali ta 'Għodod tal-Qtugħ u materjal tal-Karbur. Minn mindu bdiet Sieeso, hija speċjalizzata fid-Disinn u l-Manifattura ta’ Għodod tal-Qtugħ ta’ Kwalità Għolja u materjal tal-Karbur. Wara aktar minn eluf tipi differenti ta 'oġġetti u ħażniet enormi. Sieeso għandha linja ta 'prodotti ewlenin għal għodda u materjal b'tagħmir u strumenti avvanzati.

50% tal-prodotti tagħna jipprovdu bħala proġett OEM għal kumpaniji tat-tqattigħ ta 'klassi dinjija u 50% biex jagħmlu bħala marka tagħna stess. Il-prodotti tagħna nbiegħu mad-dinja kollha, Bħar-Russu, it-Turkija, l-Ewropa, l-Istati Uniti, il-Messiku, il-Vjetnam, it-Tajlandja, l-Indja, il-Malasja, eċċ.

                        APMT160408 Carbide CNC Cutting Inserts 

The APMT160408  is a single sided 80° parallelogram milling insert, with a 16mm cutting edge and is approximately 4mm in thickness. The APKT160408 is a milling insert for use with milling tools operating the 4mm torx screw clamping system. The inserts is supplied in a general-purpose grade designed to cut most materials including, stainless steels, mild steel, brass, bronze, aluminium and cast iron.

This inserts is for use with torx screw clamping milling tools

---ISO Type: APMT160408

---Dimension(inch): L=0.704, I.W.=0.367, S=0.227, d=0.173, r=0.031

---Workpiece Material (ISO): P10-P30, M10-M30,

Application: With advanced PVD nano coating on ultrafine carbide, this insert has strong cutting edges and offers high wear and buildup resistance. It is ideal for semi-finish milling at high speeds of a wide range of materials, particularly stainless steels and high-temperature alloys.

---Chip Breaker:FM

For Semi-finishing for P and M.

---Grade: HS7225/8125/5130

---Coating:nc-TiAlN nano PVD coating on ultrafine-grained carbide with high strength and toughness, a Nano Coating grade

Grade Description: PVD coating grade for finishing of stainless steel.Suitable for relatively small workpieces which require high surface smoothness.                                                                   Superfine TiAlN nano coating added with wear-resistant and heat-resistant rare elements has high hardness and excellent heat-resistance, providing effective protection for the cutting edge. Special coating technology ensures stronger combination of coating and substrate. It is suitable for extra finishing of stainless steel.

---Package: Product sold in packs of 10 units.

---Products Picture:

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Zhuzhou Xinshuo Materjali Avvanzati Ġdid Co.LTD

Fabbrika ADD: NO 1 Plants,No 209 Huanghe South Road, Zhuzhou, Hunan, Ċina, Kodiċi ZIP: 412007

Uffiċċju tal-Marketing:No 702, Jiuba Dijing City, Taishan West Road, Zhuzhou, Hunan, Ċina, Kodiċi ZIP: 412007





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