Zhuzhou Xinshuo Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.

Milling Inserts

  • APKT160408 Carbide Milling Inserts SS Grade Dark Purple Color
  • APKT160408 Carbide Milling Inserts SS Grade Dark Purple Color
  • APKT160408 Carbide Milling Inserts SS Grade Dark Purple Color
  • APKT160408 Carbide Milling Inserts SS Grade Dark Purple Color
APKT160408 Carbide Milling Inserts SS Grade Dark Purple ColorAPKT160408 Carbide Milling Inserts SS Grade Dark Purple ColorAPKT160408 Carbide Milling Inserts SS Grade Dark Purple ColorAPKT160408 Carbide Milling Inserts SS Grade Dark Purple Color

APKT160408 Carbide Milling Inserts SS Grade Dark Purple Color

  • 1.MOQ:10pcs
  • 2.high strength
  • 3.good wear resistance
  • 4.good roughness
  • Deskrizzjoni qasira:: APKT160408 Carbide Milling Inserts SS Grade Dark Purple Color,parallelogram milling inserts, milling inserts,milling tools,torx screw clamping,Indexable Milling Inserts,carbide milling inserts,milling
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Zhuzhou Xinshuo Materjali Avvanzati Ġdid Co.LTD, immarkat bħala fabbrika tal-karbur SIEESO, huwa manifattur professjonali ta 'Għodod tal-Qtugħ u materjal tal-Karbur. Minn mindu bdiet Sieeso, hija speċjalizzata fid-Disinn u l-Manifattura ta’ Għodod tal-Qtugħ ta’ Kwalità Għolja u materjal tal-Karbur. Wara aktar minn eluf tipi differenti ta 'oġġetti u ħażniet enormi. Sieeso għandha linja ta 'prodotti ewlenin għal għodda u materjal b'tagħmir u strumenti avvanzati.

50% tal-prodotti tagħna jipprovdu bħala proġett OEM għal kumpaniji tat-tqattigħ ta 'klassi dinjija u 50% biex jagħmlu bħala marka tagħna stess. Il-prodotti tagħna nbiegħu mad-dinja kollha, Bħar-Russu, it-Turkija, l-Ewropa, l-Istati Uniti, il-Messiku, il-Vjetnam, it-Tajlandja, l-Indja, il-Malasja, eċċ.


    APKT160408 Carbide Milling Inserts SS Grade Dark Purple Color

---Models Introduction:

The APKT 1604 is a single sided 80° parallelogram milling insert, with a 16mm cutting edge and is approximately 4mm in thickness. The APKT1604 is a milling insert for use with milling tools operating the 4mm torx screw clamping system. The inserts is supplied in a general-purpose grade designed to cut most materials including, stainless steels, mild steel, brass, bronze, aluminium and cast iron.

Carbide Milling APKT160408 Cutting Inserts

Carbide Milling APKT160408 Cutting Inserts

Carbide Milling APKT160408 Cutting Inserts

---Products Advantages:

---Sharp cutting edge and lower cutting resistance;

--Efficiently solved build up edge,work hardening and other machining problems

--Cutting edge inclination designation is good to control chip flow direction and obtains excellent surface quality

--sharp cutting edge, small cutting force

--good machining surface quality

--special chipbreaker design to keep cutting edge sharp and safe

---Cutting Materials:

Carbide Milling APKT160408 Cutting Inserts

---Products Picture:

Stampi tal-Fabbrika:



Zhuzhou Xinshuo Materjali Avvanzati Ġdid Co.LTD

Fabbrika ADD: NO 1 Plants,No 209 Huanghe South Road, Zhuzhou, Hunan, Ċina, Kodiċi ZIP: 412007

Uffiċċju tal-Marketing:No 702, Jiuba Dijing City, Taishan West Road, Zhuzhou, Hunan, Ċina, Kodiċi ZIP: 412007





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