Zhuzhou Xinshuo Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.

Milling Inserts

  • Tungsten Carbide Milling Inserts SOMT100420
  • Tungsten Carbide Milling Inserts SOMT100420
  • Tungsten Carbide Milling Inserts SOMT100420
  • Tungsten Carbide Milling Inserts SOMT100420
Tungsten Carbide Milling Inserts SOMT100420Tungsten Carbide Milling Inserts SOMT100420Tungsten Carbide Milling Inserts SOMT100420Tungsten Carbide Milling Inserts SOMT100420

Tungsten Carbide Milling Inserts SOMT100420

  • 1.High Performance
  • 2.High Strength
  • 3.Good Anti-corrsion
  • 4.Long Durability
  • Kurte şirove:: Tungsten Carbide Milling Inserts SOMT100420, Carbide CNC Milling Cutting Inserts Factory Wholesale, good price,factory wholesale, high quality,OEM customized,Welcome Inquiries!
  •   E-nameyê bişînin

Zhuzhou Xinshuo New Advanced Materials Co.LTD, ku wekî kargeha karbîdê SIEESO tête navnîş kirin, çêkerek pîşeyî ya Amûrên Birîn û materyalê Karbîdê ye. Ji destpêka ku Sieeso dest pê kiriye, ew di sêwirandin û çêkirina Amûrên Birîna Qalîteya Bilind û materyalê Karbîdê de pispor bûye. Xwedî zêdetirî bi hezaran celeb celeb û stokên mezin hene. Sieeso ji bo amûr û materyalên bi amûr û amûrên pêşkeftî re rêzek hilberek sereke heye.

50% ji hilberên me wekî projeya OEM ji bo pargîdaniyên qutkirina cîhanî û 50% jî wekî marqeya xwe bikin pêşkêş dikin. Berhemên me li çaraliyê cîhanê, Wek Rusî, Tirkiye, Ewropa, DY, Meksîka, Vîetnam, Tayland, Hindistan, Malezya û hwd hatine firotin.

              Tungsten Carbide Milling Inserts SOMT100420


CNC Carbide Milling SOMT100420 New Cutting Tools


--Efficiently solved build up edge,work hardening and other machining problems

--Cutting edge inclination designation is good to control chip flow direction and obtains excellent surface quality

--sharp cutting edge, small cutting force

--good machining surface quality

--special chipbreaker design to keep cutting edge sharp and safe

CNC Carbide Milling SOMT100420 New Cutting Tools

CNC Carbide Milling SOMT100420 New Cutting Tools

---Cutting Applications:

CNC Carbide Milling SOMT100420 New Cutting Tools

---Products Pictures:

Wêneyên Fabrîkê:


Paqij bûn:

Zhuzhou Xinshuo New Advanced Materials Co.LTD

Factory ADD: NO 1 Plants,No 209 Huanghe South Road, Zhuzhou, Hunan, China, Koda Post: 412007

Ofîsa Kirrûbirrê:No 702, Jiuba Dijing City, Taishan West Road, Zhuzhou, Hunan, China, Koda Postê: 412007





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